MOST Boundaries

Monin-Obukhov similarity theory (MOST) is used to describe the atmospheric surface layer (ASL), the lowest part of the atmospheric boundary layer. The implementation of MOST in ERF follows that in AMR-Wind, which is based on the surface layer profiles presented in P. van der Laan, et al., Wind Energy, 2017 and D. Etling, “Modeling the vertical ABL structure”, 1999. MOST theory assumes that the ASL is in a steady state and horizontally homogenous, and kinematic fluxes due to turbulent transport (\(\overline{u^{'}w^{'}}\), \(\overline{v^{'}w^{'}}\), and \(\overline{\theta^{'}w^{'}}\)) are constant with height. \(\Phi_m\) and \(\Phi_h\) are the nondimensional wind shear and temperature gradient, respectively, which are assumed to follow universal similarity laws based on dimensional arguments. With these assumptions, the MOST theory can be written as:

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\overline{u^{'}} \overline{w^{'}} = const = -u^{2}_{\star},\\\overline{w^{'}} \overline{\theta^{'}} = const = -u_{\star}\theta_{\star},\\\Phi_{m}(\zeta) = \frac{\kappa z}{u_{\star}} \frac{\partial \overline{u}(z)}{\partial z},\\\Phi_{h}(\zeta) = \frac{\kappa z}{u_{\star}} \frac{\partial \overline{\theta}(z)}{\partial z}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

where the nondimensional gradients are expressed in terms of the MOST stability parameter, \(\zeta = \frac{z}{L} = -\frac{\kappa z}{u_{\star}^{3}} \frac{g}{\overline{\theta}} \overline{w^{'}\theta^{'}}\), which serves as a surface layer scaling parameter. Here, \(L\) is the Monin-Obukhov length, \(u_{\star}\) is the friction velocity (defined for \(u\) aligned with the wind direction), \(\theta_{\star}\) is the surface layer temperature scale, \(\overline{\theta}\) is the reference virtual potential temperature for the ASL, and \(\kappa\) is the von Karman constant (taken to be \(0.41\)).

Integration of the MOST assumption equations give the classical MOST profiles of mean velocity and potential temperature

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\overline{u}(z) &= \frac{u_{\star}}{\kappa} \left[ \mathrm{ln} \left(\frac{z}{z_0}\right) - \Psi_m(\zeta)\right],\\\overline{\theta}(z) - \theta_0 &= \frac{\theta_{\star}}{\kappa} \left[ \mathrm{ln}\left(\frac{z}{z_0}\right) - \Psi_{h}(\zeta) \right]\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

where \(\theta_0\) is the surface potential temperature and \(z_0\) is a characteristic roughness height. The integrated similarity functions,

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\Psi_{m}(\zeta) &= \int_{0} ^{\frac{z}{L}} [1-\Phi_{m}(\zeta)]\frac{d\zeta}{\zeta},\\\Psi_{h}(\zeta) &= \int_{0} ^{\frac{z}{L}} [1-\Phi_{h}(\zeta)]\frac{d\zeta}{\zeta}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

are calculated analytically from empirical gradient functions \(\Phi_m\) and \(\Phi_h\), which are defined piecewise for stable and unstable values of the stability parameter.

Unstable: \((\zeta < 0)\)

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\Phi_{m} &= (1-\gamma_{1}\zeta)^{-\frac{1}{4}}, \quad \Psi_{m} = \mathrm{ln}\left[\frac{1}{8}(1+\Phi_{m}^{-2})(1+\Phi_{m}^{-1})^{2}\right]-2\arctan(\Phi_{m}^{-1})+\frac{\pi}{2},\\\Phi_{h} &= \sigma_{\theta}(1-\gamma_{2}\zeta)^{-\frac{1}{2}}, \quad \Psi_{h} = (1+\sigma_{\theta}) \mathrm{ln} \left[\frac{1}{2}(1+\Phi_{h}^{-1}) \right]+(1-\sigma_{\theta}) {\mathrm{ln}} \left[\frac{1}{2}(-1+\Phi_{h}^{-1})\right]\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

Stable: \((\zeta > 0)\)

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\Phi_{m} &= 1+\beta \zeta, \quad \Psi_{m}=-\beta \zeta,\\\Phi_{h} &= \sigma_{\theta}+\beta \zeta, \quad \Psi_{h}=(1-\sigma_{\theta})\mathrm{ln}(\zeta)-\beta \zeta,\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

where the constants take the values proposed in Dyer, Boundary Layer Meteorology, 1974:

\[\sigma_{\theta}=1, \quad \beta = 5, \quad \gamma_{1}=16, \quad \gamma_{2}=16\]

Inverting the equations above, the MOST stability parameter,

\[\zeta=\frac{z}{L} = -\kappa z \frac{g}{\bar{\theta}} \frac{\theta_{\star}}{u^{2}_{\star}}\]

is determined by the friction velocity

\[u_{\star} = \kappa \overline{u}/[\mathrm{ln}(z/z_0)-\Psi_{m}({z}/{L})]\]

and the characteristic surface layer temperature

\[\theta_{\star} = \kappa (\overline{\theta}-\theta_0)/[\mathrm{ln}(z / z_0)-\Psi_{h}(z/L)]\]

MOST Implementation

In ERF, when the MOST boundary condition is applied, velocity and temperature in the ghost cells are set to give stresses that are consistent with the MOST equations laid out above. The code is structured to allow either the surface temperature (\(\theta_0\)) or surface temperature flux (\(\overline{w^{'}\theta^{'}}\)) to be enforced. To apply the MOST boundary, the following algorithm is applied:

  1. Horizontal (planar) averages \(\bar{u}\), \(\bar{v}\) and \(\overline{\theta}\) are computed at a reference height \(z_{ref}\) assumed to be within the surface layer.

  2. Initially, neutral conditions (\(L=\infty, \zeta=0\)) are assumed and used to compute a provisional \(u_{\star}\) using the equation given above. If \(\theta_0\) is specified, the above equation for \(\theta_{\star}\) is applied and then the surface flux is computed \(\overline{w^{'}\theta^{'}} = -u_{\star} \theta_{\star}\). If \(\overline{w^{'}\theta^{'}}\) is specified, \(\theta_{\star}\) is computed as \(-\overline{w^{'}\theta^{'}}/u_{\star}\) and the previous equation is inverted to compute \(\theta_0\).

  3. The stability parameter \(\zeta\) is recomputed using the equation given above based on the provisional values of \(u_{\star}\) and \(\theta_{\star}\).

  4. The previous two steps are repeated iteratively, sequentially updating the values of \(u_{\star}\) and \(\zeta\), until the change in the value of \(u_{\star}\) on each iteration falls below a specified tolerance.

  5. Once the MOST iterations have converged, and the planar average surface flux values are known, the approach from Moeng, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 1984 is applied to consistently compute local surface-normal stress/flux values (e.g., \(\tau_{xz} = - \rho \overline{u^{'}w^{'}}\)):

    \[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\left. \frac{\tau_{xz}}{\rho} \right|_0 &= u_{\star}^{2} \frac{(u - \bar{u})|\mathbf{\bar{u}}| + \bar{u}\sqrt{u^2 + v^2} }{|\mathbf{\bar{u}}|^2},\\\left. \frac{\tau_{yz}}{\rho} \right|_0 &= u_{\star}^{2} \frac{(v - \bar{v})|\mathbf{\bar{u}}| + \bar{v}\sqrt{u^2 + v^2} }{|\mathbf{\bar{u}}|^2},\\\left. \frac{\tau_{\theta z}}{\rho} \right|_0 &= \theta_\star u_{\star} \frac{|\mathbf{\bar{u}}| ({\theta} - \overline{\theta}) + \sqrt{u^2+v^2} (\overline{\theta} - \theta_0) }{ |\mathbf{\bar{u}}| (\overline{\theta} -\theta_0) } = u_{\star} \kappa \frac{|\mathbf{\bar{u}}| ({\theta} - \overline{\theta}) + \sqrt{u^2+v^2} (\overline{\theta} - \theta_0) }{ |\mathbf{\bar{u}}| [ \mathrm{ln}(z_{ref} / z_0)-\Psi_{h}(z_{ref}/L)] }\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

    where \(\bar{u}\), \(\bar{v}\) and \(\overline{\theta}\) are the plane averaged values (at \(z_{ref}\)) of the two horizontal velocity components and the potential temperature, respectively, and \(|\mathbf{\bar{u}}|\) is the plane averaged magnitude of horizontal velocity (plane averaged wind speed). We note a slight variation in the denominator of the velocity terms from the form of the equations presented in Moeng to match the form implemented in AMR-Wind.

  6. These local flux values are used to populate values in the ghost cells that will lead to appropiate fluxes, assuming the fluxes are computed from the turbulent transport coefficients (in the vertical direction, if applicable) \(K_{m,v}\) and \(K_{\theta,v}\) as follows:

    \[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\tau_{xz} = K_{m,v} \frac{\partial u}{\partial z}\\\tau_{yz} = K_{m,v} \frac{\partial v}{\partial z}\\\tau_{\theta z} = K_{\theta,v} \frac{\partial \theta}{\partial z}.\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

    This implies that, for example, the value set for the conserved \(\rho\theta\) variable in the \(-n\mathrm{th}\) ghost cell is

    \[(\rho \theta)_{i,j,-n} = \rho_{i,j,-n} \left[ \frac{(\rho\theta)_{i,j,0}}{\rho_{i,j,0}} - \left. \frac{\tau_{\theta z}}{\rho} \right|_{i,j,0} \frac{\rho_{i,j,0}}{K_{\theta,v,(i,j,0)}} n \Delta z \right].\]

    The above implementation explicitly sets the ghost cells so that the local stresses in (6) are recovered. This formulation will depend upon the eddy diffusivity \(K_{\phi,v}\) in the near-wall region. Since \(K_{\phi,v}\) may be a function of near-wall gradients, circular dependencies may occur. An explicit MOST formulation has also been implemented where the stress tensors are directly populated with the values computed for \(\tau_{\phi z}\) and the ghost cells are filled according the recommendation made in Moeng, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 1984; see below. To enable the explicit MOST formulation, users may add the line erf.use_explicit_most = true.

    \[(\rho \theta)_{z} = \frac{(\rho \theta)_{i,j,1} - (\rho \theta)_{i,j,0}}{\Delta z} (\rho \theta)_{i,j,-n} = (\rho \theta)_{i,j,0} - (\rho \theta)_{z} n \Delta z .\]

    Finally, it must be noted that complex terrain will modify the surface normal and tangent vectors. Consequently, the MOST implentation with terrain will require local vector rotations. While the ERF dycore accounts for terrain metrics when computing fluxes (e.g. for advection, diffusion, etc.), the impact of terrain metrics on MOST is still a work in progress. Therefore, running with terrain (erf.use_terrain = true) and with MOST (zlo.type = "Most") should be cautioned.

MOST Inputs

To evaluate the fluxes with MOST, the surface rougness parameter \(z_{0}\) must be specified. This quantity may be considered a constant or may be parameterized through the friction velocity \(u_{\star}\). ERF supports three methods for parameterizing the surface roughness: constant, charnock, and modified_charnock. The latter two methods parameterize \(z_{0} = f(u_{\star})\) and are described in Jimenez & Dudhia, American Meteorological Society, 2018. The rougness calculation method may be specified with

erf.most.roughness_type    = STRING    #Z_0 type (constant, charnock, modified_charnock)

If the charnock method is employed, the \(a\) constant may be specified with erf.most.charnock_constant (defaults to 0.0185). If the modified_charnock method is employed, the depth \(d\) may be specified with erf.most.modified_charnock_depth (defaults to 30 m).

When computing an average \(\overline{\phi}\) for the MOST boundary, where \(\phi\) denotes a generic variable, ERF supports a variety of approaches. Specifically, planar averages and local region averages may be computed with or without time averaging. With each averaging methodology, the query point \(z\) may be determined from the following procedures: specified vertical distance \(z_{ref}\) from the bottom surface, specified \(k_{index}\), or (when employing terrain-fit coordinates) specified normal vector length \(z_{ref}\). The available inputs to the MOST boundary and their associated data types are

erf.most.average_policy    = INT    #POLICY FOR AVERAGING
erf.most.use_normal_vector = BOOL   #USE NORMAL VECTOR W/ TERRAIN?
erf.most.use_interpolation = BOOL   #INTERPOLATE QUERY POINT W/ TERRAIN?
erf.most.time_average      = BOOL   #USE TIME AVERAGING?
erf.most.z0                = FLOAT  #SURFACE ROUGHNESS
erf.most.zref              = FLOAT  #QUERY DISTANCE (HEIGHT OR NORM LENGTH)
erf.most.surf_temp         = FLOAT  #SPECIFIED SURFACE TEMP
erf.most.surf_temp_flux    = FLOAT  #SPECIFIED SURFACE FLUX
erf.most.k_arr_in          = INT    #SPECIFIED K INDEX ARRAY (MAXLEV)
erf.most.radius            = INT    #SPECIFIED REGION RADIUS
erf.most.time_window       = FLOAT  #WINDOW FOR TIME AVG

We now consider two concrete examples. To employ an instantaneous planar average at a specified vertical height above the bottom surface, one would specify:

erf.most.average_policy    = 0
erf.most.use_normal_vector = false
erf.most.time_average      = false
erf.most.z0                = 0.1
erf.most.zref              = 1.0

By contrast, local region averaging would be employed in conjunction with time averaging for the following inputs:

erf.most.average_policy    = 1
erf.most.use_normal_vector = true
erf.most.use_interpolation = true
erf.most.time_average      = true
erf.most.z0                = 0.1
erf.most.zref              = 1.0
erf.most.surf_temp_flux    = 0.0
erf.most.radius            = 1
erf.most.time_window       = 10.0

In the above case, use_normal_vector utilizes the a local surface-normal vector with length \(z_{ref}\) to construct the positions of the query points. Each query point, and surrounding points that are within erf.most.radius from the query point, are interpolated to and averaged; for a radius of 1, 27 points are averaged. The time average is completed by way of an exponential filter function whose peak coincides with the current time step and tail extends backwards in time

\[\frac{1}{\tau} \int_{-\infty}^{0} \exp{\left(t/\tau\right)} \, f(t) \; \rm{d}t.\]

Due to the form of the above integral, it is advantageous to consider \(\tau\) as a multiple of the simulation time step \(\Delta t\), which is specified by erf.most.time_window. As erf.most.time_window is reduced to 0, the exponential filter function tends to a Dirac delta function (prior averages are irrelevant). Increasing erf.most.time_window extends the tail of the exponential and more heavily weights prior averages.